Three Taverns Church

Jesus Didn’t “Just” Die On The Cross…


Jesus Christ didn’t “just” die on the cross for us.
He gave up the chance to get married,
To have children,
To watch them grow,
To learn to walk,
To learn to talk,
To hold them in His arms.
He gave up the opportunity to have a career,
… To be successful in business,
To make a name for himself,
To be a community leader.
He gave up sunrises and sunsets,
Stargazing and full moons,
And listening to the waves crash against the shore.
He gave up the chance to sit around the fire with friends,
To tell jokes and to laugh at himself.

He gave up the chance to have every good thing people cherish in this life in exchange for a wooden cross, three nails, and a slow, excruciating death.

He gave up those things, He made that exchange, so you and I wouldn’t “just” have those things to look forward to at the start of each day.

Something to think about this Easter season.

3 thoughts on “Jesus Didn’t “Just” Die On The Cross…

  1. This made me cry! I love it! I am going to reblog hope you don’t mind!

  2. Reblogged this on samiam77 and commented:
    This is so true and so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes.

  3. Pingback: Jesus Didn’t “Just” Die On The Cross… | i-Stopped

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